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Brenda L. Moore is a retired Registered Nurse. A native New Yorker, she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the State  University of New York at Buffalo. She enjoyed a professional career in obstetrics,  medicine, pediatrics, and recruiting for more than 20 years. A passionate  philanthropist, she and her husband of over 36 years have formed the Mark  & Brenda Moore and Family Foundation. The organization’s maxim:  “Establishing roots and stretching wings” honors their parents and provides a  legacy for their adult children (Jenee and Markus), son-in-love (Gerald), and  grandchildren (Julian and Genevieve) to continue good works. They are  champions of advancements in health care, education, music & the arts, and Christian evangelism.

Mrs. Moore currently sits on the Nursing Philanthropy Council, and has held  seats on a number of INOVA Health System boards and committees. Brenda and Mark are founding  donors for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, which opened  in fall of 2016; she is a member emeritus of the museum’s campaign steering committee. She and her  husband are long-standing members of The Director’s Circle for the world-renowned Alvin Ailey  American Dance Theater, as well as patrons of The Kennedy Center, National Symphony Orchestra,  and Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts. The couple was a dynamic duo as the co-chairs  for INOVA Hospital System’s first Summit/gala weekends in 2013 and 2014, which raised over 4 million  dollars. They led Mt. Vernon Hospital’s steering committee for expansion for 4 years, culminating with  the opening of the Mark and Brenda Moore Patient Tower in November 2014. 

As a philanthropist, it is part of her calling to set an example, focus light on relevant causes, and  encourage others to give time, talent, and treasure. When Brenda has down time, she loves reading,  travel, dancing, and aspires to someday write uplifting fiction for young people. 

1 Peter 4:10

Brenda L. Moore
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